Exposed To Herbal Pesticide? Contact Our Fishers, IN Round-Up Litigation Lawyer
Have you or a loved one used the chemical weed killer Round-Up in your yard, garden, or workplace? If you have, and you’ve since been diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to significant compensation. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto/Bayer, the manufacturer of Round-Up, based on studies that draw a definitive link between one of the active ingredients in Round-Up weed killer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Participants in the class-action lawsuits cite the failure of the company that produces Round-Up, Monsanto/Bayer, to properly warn users that prolonged and repeated exposure to the pesticide increases the risk of multiple types of cancer. Our Fishers, IN Round-Up litigation lawyer is talking to clients just like you about their legal options, including joining a class-action suit.
If you or someone you love developed cancer, NHL, or another disease after using Round-UP, you have legal options. Don’t wait to assert your rights. Contact Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers today for a free legal consultation. You must act fast. Time is short for filing a claim for damages in Indiana. Call today.
The Connection Between Round-Up, Glyphosate, And Cancer
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up, has been the subject of scientific scrutiny for years. In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially classified it as a human carcinogen. Multiple studies have demonstrated that glyphosate has the same effect on humans as it does on plants: it disrupts the function of vital amino acids and enzymes, leading to cellular breakdown and damage.
Over time, prolonged exposure to glyphosate may increase your risk of developing:
- Hairy cell leukemia
- B-cell lymphoma
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Lymphocytic lymphoma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)
Further research, including a joint study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Washington in July 2019, found that individuals exposed to Round-Up had a 40% higher rate of contracting NHL than those not exposed.
Round-Up doesn’t only cause cancer. Prolonged exposure to glyphosate may also increase your risk for:
- Liver damage
- Sterility
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Diabetes
- Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)
- Kidney disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Respiratory issues
Although anyone who has used Round-Up or similar products containing glyphosate may be at risk for developing cancer or other diseases, certain groups of people face an even greater threat. Indiana residents who regularly handle or spray the chemical are particularly vulnerable. This includes:
- Farmers and agricultural workers
- Herbicide applicators
- Professional landscapers and gardeners
- Groundskeepers
Exposure can occur through inhaling the chemical or eating contaminated food grown on farms, orchards, or fields where Round-Up was applied.
Your Legal Options After Round-Up Exposure
Thousands of lawsuits have named Monsanto/Bayer as a defendant. The lawsuits allege that the company released a dangerous product containing carcinogens without appropriate warnings or precautions, failing to warn customers about the dangers of Round-Up despite multiple studies of the health risks.
The attorneys at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers stand with victims like you. You don’t have to fight alone and shouldn’t bear the burden and suffering caused by this corporation’s negligence. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer or another serious illness linked to Round-Up, you have the right to pursue compensation. This may include joining a class-action lawsuit or filing an independent suit. We invite you to visit us for a free consultation to discuss your legal options with our Fishers Round-Up litigation lawyer. Call today.