Find Out Your Legal Options From Our Westfield, IN Talcum Powder Litigation Lawyer
If you have used talcum powder or baby or body powder containing talc, you may have been exposed to toxic carcinogens. For years, Johnson & Johnson and other personal care product manufacturers manufactured talc-based beauty and health care products contaminated with dangerous levels of asbestos. In addition, talc itself, when applied to the skin around the genital regions of women, has been linked to high rates of ovarian cancer. We want to hold the makers of dangerous consumer products accountable for the harm and pain they have caused people like you and their families. Our Westfield, IN talcum powder litigation lawyer can review your case and give you advice about your eligibility for a large settlement.
Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, and others have marketed these talc-based body products as safe to use, but nothing could be further from the truth. These products are very dangerous and, when used as intended, can cause cancer, tumors, and other health complications. We are ready to fight for you. Call Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.
How Talcum Powder Causes Harm
Talcum powder is similar to asbestos, the substance in insulation (and other common household products) linked to mesothelioma. Talc and asbestos are actually found together in the earth, and when talc is extracted, it can contain high amounts of deadly asbestos. Even when talcum powder is asbestos-free, it can still cause serious reproductive cancers in women.
When talcum powder is applied to the lower abdomen, upper thighs, and buttocks, it’s close enough to migrate into the vaginal tract and position the ovaries. Studies as far back as the early 1970s have noted that an overwhelming number of ovarian cancer patients had used talc-based products; one such study found that 75% of all ovarian cancers inspected by the researchers contained talc particles. Since then, more studies have found solid links between talc-based product use and ovarian cancer, cysts, and fibroids.
If you’re using talc-based products, stop using them now and call our lawyers at once for guidance.
Recent Lawsuits For Talcum Body Powder Damages
Women who use talcum powder for feminine hygiene have a 20-40% higher risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who do not. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed on behalf of injured women, and thousands more families of women who used talc-based products have filed wrongful death lawsuits.
Some landmark lawsuits include:
- A Missouri jury awarded the family of Jacqueline Fox $72 million in their wrongful death case
- A second Missouri jury awarded Gloria Ristesund $55 million for her product liability claim against Johnson & Johnson
Although Johnson & Johnson has stated that it will appeal these jury decisions, this has not stopped multiple class action and mass tort lawsuits from being filed against it and other companies.
Do You Have A Talcum Powder Claim?
If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and used talcum powder for feminine hygiene, please call Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers right away. We offer a free case evaluation and can advise you of your eligibility to join a class-action lawsuit or your other legal options. Our Westfield talcum powder litigation lawyer is ready to represent you, but you must act fast. The statute of limitations to bring your claim in Indiana is just two years. Act now. Call today.