Do Not Buy Auto Insurance Before Reading This! Part II―Independent Agents| Automobile Negligence Attorney in Indianapolis IN

When insurance companies are hit with higher policy payouts, they pass the increases onto the consumer. After all, underwriters are in business to make money. Yet, shopping for cheaper rates is a tiresome inconvenience and can mean a reduction in benefits. And unless you emulate the majority of consumers who swallow hard and renew, an enlightened search can reap rewards that will serve you well if, or when, you need to access your benefits, says Charlie Ward, automobile negligence attorney in Indianapolis, IN.

Tip for Insurance Shoppers

If you watch television, no doubt you are besieged with advertisements for every major carrier who wants your business, each claiming to be your friend (keep sending us those premiums!). And unless you already have an agent who you know and can trust, you may be tempted to call the insurance company directly for a quote. This is not a good idea! One call to an “independent” insurance agent can save you time, steps, and money.

Let an independent automobile insurance agent do your shopping

An independent agent has access and can quote premiums from a long list of risk companies. This saves you time when the whole process can be wrapped up in one or two simple phone calls.

Independent automobile insurance agents owe their loyalty to you, the consumer―not the insurance company…another benefit of using an independent agent.

When you need your automobile insurance benefits

Although there are no statistics kept, the insurance industry estimates that the average number of accidents each driver experiences in a lifetime is eighteen. As an automobile negligence attorney in Indianapolis, IN, I can verify that several of our clients have experienced more than one accident over the years. If the estimates are true, wouldn’t you want to hire an experienced automobile accident attorney whose goal is to make you financially whole and maximize your benefits?

If you have been injured in an auto accident caused by another driver’s negligence, Call Charlie Ward of Ward & Ward Law Firm today at (317) 639-9501 for a free consultation and analysis of your claim. Do not wait until valuable evidence is destroyed!

Do Not Buy Auto Insurance Before Reading This! Part III – Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage

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