Ward & Ward Law Firm Announces Partner in Personal Injury Law Firm is Selected for Inclusion in Best Lawyers in America

Indianapolis personal injury attorney, wrongful death attorney and medical malpractice attorney, Charlie Ward, has been selected by his peers for inclusion into the 23rd annual edition of The Best Lawyers in America©

Indianapolis, Indiana (PRWEB) September 29, 2016

Ward & Ward Law Firm of Indianapolis, Indiana, announces partner and Indianapolis personal injury attorney, Charlie Ward, has been selected by his peers for inclusion into the 23rd annual edition of The Best Lawyers in America© under the heading of Plaintiffs Personal Injury Litigation. Ward, a 27-year career advocate for citizens harmed by the negligent acts of individuals and entities, received his Bachelor of Arts Degree, cum laude, from Butler University in Indianapolis before attending the Robert H. McKinney School of Law, where he earned his law degree in 1989.

Best Lawyers® is regarded by members of the legal profession as a trustworthy resource for attorney-client and attorney-to-attorney referrals. Attorneys currently listed in Best Lawyers® are asked to rate local nominees in like practices. Each voting attorney is asked the question: “If you were unable to take a case yourself, how likely would you be to refer it to this nominee?” Voters rate the candidate on a scale from 1 to 5 and are encouraged to add comments to the nominee’s voting form. A voter may select “Do not know” if they have no knowledge of the nominee. Lawyers are not allowed to vote for themselves, nor can they complete ballots for lawyers within their own firm. When the voting ballots have been received by the decision-makers at Best Lawyers, each nominee is reviewed and their standing with the bar association is verified before a final determination of inclusion is made.

Personal injury and wrongful death attorney Ward was admitted to the Indiana Bar Association in 1989. From 1990 to 1991 he clerked for the Honorable Indiana Supreme Court Justice Richard M. Givan. In August, 1992, he co-authored the article entitled “Journey’s Account Statute: Litigator’s Little-Known Friend,” 35 Res Gestae 60 (1991), the Indiana State Bar Association’s bar journal. Shortly after graduation from Indiana University’s school of law, Ward and his father, Donald W. Ward, a former recipient of the prestigious 2015 Indiana Bar Foundation’s Legendary Lawyer Award and prominent wrongful death attorney in Indianapolis, formed a partnership under the name of Ward & Ward Law Firm.

Charlie Ward concentrates on earning maximum financial reparations for his clients who have been severely injured or killed by the negligence of another person or entity. “Staying on top of judicial opinions and legislation is critical to obtain the best possible outcome for our injury and wrongful death clients,” states Ward. His personal injury and wrongful death areas of experience include commercial trucking accident claims, car, motorcycle and bicycle accident claims, nursing home neglect and medical malpractice claims.

If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in an accident caused by the negligence of another person or entity, call 2017 Best Lawyer® recipient and Indianapolis personal injury lawyer, Charlie Ward of Ward & Ward Law Firm at 317-639-9501 or toll free at 888-639-9501 for a free analysis of your claim.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/09/prweb13723357.htm

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