Medicare Update on Indiana Hospital Lien Statute – Legislation Benefits Medicare Recipients With Indianapolis, IN Personal Injuries

Changes in Hospital Lien Statute Benefit Injured Medicare Recipients

In January I wrote an article about the Indiana Hospital Lien Statute and how it may affect your claim for personal injuries and compensation for damages caused by a car, motorcycle or trucking accident. Since then the Statute was amended and on July 1, 2013 a number of changes went into effect.

History of Hospital Lien Statute and Medicare

The original Hospital Lien Statute became law during the 1930s—decades before Medicare was enacted in 1965. Prior to the 2013 changes in the Indiana Statute, hospitals could elect not to bill Medicare insurance for charges relating to medical treatment rendered to a Medicare recipient who had been injured in an accident through the negligence of another. Today under the new provisions of the hospital lien statute [IC 32-33-4-3(b)(3)(e)], Medicare patients are exempt from the lien.

The Indiana Trial Lawyers Association and the 2013 Indiana General Assembly has taken a stand for the citizens of Indiana and Medicare recipients!

If you have been injured or know someone who has been injured as a result of someone’s negligence, call a personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, IN, Charlie Ward, for a free consultation at (317) 639-9501. Ward & Ward Law Firm has over 85 years of combined experience in personal injury and wrongful death claims including injuries resulting from auto, motorcycle and trucking accidents.


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