Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim Attorney

An experienced personal injury lawyer will advise you about your medical bills

When you’re injured in an auto, motorcycle or trucking accident, a run to the hospital by ambulance, follow-up medical care and therapy can wreak chaos on your finances. An injury requiring a single trip to the hospital will likely generate separate billings from a number of unique healthcare providers as follows:

  • Ambulance
  • Hospital – ER/room charges, tests, blood work, drugs and supplies; may also include x-rays / imaging
  • ER Doctor – Diagnosis and recommendations
  • Radiology – Radiologist charges for reading films / images

Since every accident with injury requires a customized medical approach, your bills may not mirror the sample charges listed above.

As the bills begin to arrive in the mail, the first statement you’ll probably receive will come from the hospital provider and will reflect the total charges to date. If you have health insurance, you may be instructed “not to pay” from the first statement. This is an indication that they have forwarded the statement of charges to your health insurance company and together they will hash out the final charges based upon the contract between the provider and your insurance company.

Shortly thereafter you will either receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company in the mail or one will be made available to you online. Your EOB will reflect the original provider charges minus a negotiated “discount” from your health insurance company. This reflects the amount reduced from your bill based upon the insurance company’s contracted rates for the unique services you received. At this time, your deductions will be reflected on your EOB as well as any split, you may have with your insurance provider, i.e. 80/20; 90/10, leaving you with the out-of-pocket charges owed to the medical provider.

It is important that you give your personal injury lawyer all EOB’s from your insurance company that reflect medical charges pertaining to the accident.

Your personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, IN will work to recover your out-of-pocket expenses on your behalf through the Collateral Source Statute, IC 34-44-1, allowing proof of the amount of money Plaintiff is required to repay into evidence. Your explanation of benefits will outline the amounts owed by you personally to the providers after all amounts have paid on your behalf and all discounts taken.

Experienced injury lawyers will advise you about your medical bills

Ward & Ward Law Firm has over 85 years of combined experience in breaking down the facts of a personal injury claim and working with insurance companies on behalf of their clients. If you have been injured in an automobile, trucking, motorcycle, or bicycle accident, please feel free to call me at
317-639-9501 for a free consultation.


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