Protect your claim for injuries and economic damages

When individuals suffer injury or illness due to the negligent or willful acts of other parties, they have the right to pursue compensation for all expenses connected with their injuries. However, they need to know how to protect their rights immediately after the accident, even before they obtain legal assistance from an auto accident lawyer in Indianapolis, IN.

Since motor vehicle accidents typically involve two or more parties and carry special legal requirements, you need to follow specific procedures to protect your legal rights to compensation. If you are involved in an auto accident, motorcycle or truck accident, the following tips can help:

  • Seek medical attention.

    Even if your injuries seem relatively minor, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Many injuries do not reveal symptoms for hours or even days after the accident, yet delays in treatment can adversely affect recovery. Let your an emergency room doctor decide the extent of your injuries—and be sure to retain medical reports and receipts.

  • Take photos.

    Use your cell phone camera to photograph the accident scene, damaged property, and injuries.

  • Follow-up with your primary care physician after your hospital visit.

    You should make a follow-up appointment with your family physician as soon as possible after the accident. Your primary care physician knows you and your medical history better than the emergency room doctor you saw initially.  If you are still having problems after you’ve been seen at the ER, make a list of the problems and symptoms you have experienced and your family physician will chart a course of medical steps by possibly requesting x-rays, an MRI, or make an appointment for you with a specialist or a physical therapist.

  • Secure the accident report.

    When police or local law enforcement are summoned to the location of the accident, they are required to complete a report with a drawing showing how the accident occurred. This report will give driver information,  witnesses statements and contact information, name of insurance company for all drivers and state where injured parties were disposed. This information will be used by your attorney to start the investigation into the facts of the accident. Bring this report to your attorney’s office at the first meeting.

  • Contact your insurance company.

    Indiana state law requires a proof of insurance form immediately following the accident. Your insurance agent will send the form to the authorities electronically when you notify him or her of the accident in which you were involved. DO NOT DISCUSS FAULT.

  • Contact experienced Indianapolis injury lawyer.

    Call Charlie Ward of Ward & Ward Law Firm at 317-639-9501 for a free consultation and evaluation of your accident claim.

Charlie Ward

Ward & Ward Law Firm
728 S Meridian St
Indianapolis, IN 46225

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