Should I Hire an Experienced Indianapolis, IN Personal Injury Lawyer to Represent Me in My Accident Claim?

What are the odds that you will need an experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a governmental agency that keeps statistics on police-reported automobile, truck, motorcycle, pedal cycle, and pedestrian crashes. Their state-by-state analyses are broken down further by age groups, male/female, distracted drivers, elements of intoxication, and a number of significant other variables.

The most recent statistics published by NHTSA have shown that accident fatalities decreased in 2019 by 2 percent over 2018. These positive findings seem to be a trend as fatalities have been on the decline for the past three years. Yet, the Insurance Information Institute estimates that on average, drivers will experience a motor vehicle accident approximately every 18 years. And while you may be a prudent and cautious driver, you have little to no control over the errors of other drivers who, for example, may fail to yield, causing you or a loved one to suffer from the consequential injuries and losses caused by their negligence.

If you were the injured passenger or driver would you know how to proceed?

Seek medical attention before you call an Experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer

Experience has shown that a post-accident rush of adrenalin may mask injuries when a vehicle collides with another. Charlie Ward, an experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer of Ward & Ward Law Firm recommends that you seek the medical attention and diagnosis of a physician immediately following an Indiana collision. This is the most important initial action you can take, especially if an accident claim should materialize down the road.  An ER visit to the hospital may provide x-rays, CT scans and/or MRIs to evaluate such injuries as internal bleeding, fractured or broken bones, disk ruptures, and a number of other internal injuries not immediately apparent.

Soft tissue injuries may not be noticeable straight away and first responding medical providers may suggest following up with your personal physician should pain present within the next 48-72 hours. The effects of a whiplash injury may not immediately manifest but often can be detected by the patient within 24 hours after the accident. Symptoms may include muscle pain, stiffness, and headaches. Your personal physician may recommend treatment, including physical therapy, or give you a referral to a specialist. Pain or numbness in the extremities should be reported to your physician right away as this could be an indication of a spinal injury. For your own health and the success of a possible personal injury claim, you would be well-advised to follow-through with his or her plan for treatment.

Do I need to hire an experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer to represent my interests?

This would depend upon the extent of your injuries and the facts of the claim. If you were merely shaken by the event, know that you suffered no injuries, and the property damage to your vehicle is your biggest concern in the long run, it may not be necessary to hire an Indiana personal injury lawyer for what may be nothing more than a property damage claim submitted to your insurance company.

However, if you experience physical injuries caused by the negligence of another driver, you should call an Indiana personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to protect your possible interests in a claim for damages.

But I do not know an experienced Indiana personal injury lawyer

Many referrals to personal injury attorneys happen through internet searches. Perhaps you have seen a name on a bus, a billboard or even in a video advertisement. It is hard to know which law firm will best represent you in your particular claim for injuries, including past, present and future damages. Before placing your call for a free legal consultation, read the firm’s online reviews. Do they resonate with you? Legitimate reviews are an awesome way to get feedback from others who once stood in your shoes.

You need an advocate who will realistically assess your claim and has the necessary skills, reputation, and resources to maximize your lawsuit. Don and Charlie Ward of Ward & Ward Law Firm have more than 95 years of combined experience representing injured victims of vehicular accident claims, job accident claims, product liability claims, wrongful death claims, medical malpractice, and nursing home negligence claims. Check out our Google and Facebook client reviews and make your call to attorney Charlie Ward today at (317) 639-9501 for a free consultation.

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