talcum powder litigation attorney

Talcum Powder Litigation Attorney

When we buy products for our home and health, we want to trust that manufacturers have done their due diligence in ensuring the item is safe. We assume that these products have been adequately tested, vetted, and proven safe for everyone. So when toiletries that use talcum powder actually cause ovarian cancer, manufacturers who were aware of the risks but did not warn consumers essentially have failed to protect people. Our talcum powder litigation attorney has seen the impacts that using this product can have on consumers who trusted that what they were using was safe. If you or a loved one was diagnosed with an illness connected to talcum powder, we urge you to contact Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers today to pursue compensation.

How We Can Help You

Talcum powder consists of perfume and talc, which is a soft clay mineral used in cosmetic products and baby powder. Talcum powder absorbs moisture, and it is often used for eliminating odors and feminine hygiene. Manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson advertised talcum powder specific for feminine use, and as a result, many women who used this on a regular basis may have developed ovarian cancer later on. How we can help you is by taking the steps towards providing the compensation you deserve for trusting a manufacturer’s product that only put your health at risk. As our talcum powder litigation attorney explains, symptoms that tend to be associated with ovarian cancer include:

  • Pelvic/abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Feeling the need to urinate
  • Trouble eating
  • Upset stomach
  • Fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Menstrual changes
  • Constipation

Why Talcum Powder Is Harmful

An analysis of talcum powder studies has suggested that women who use this product for their genital area were more likely to develop ovarian cancer. To make matters worse, it is also alleged that companies like Johnson & Johnson were informed about this risk of ovarian cancer, but decided to not warn consumers. The product label stated that talcum products were for “external use only”, but other than that had no sufficient warning that it could be dangerous to their health. Talcum powder is believed to be harmful because the mineral can travel to the ovaries when used on the genital area and get embedded in the tissue. The body has a difficult time flushing out particles like talc, resulting in cancerous ovarian tumors.

Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers

There have been many successful lawsuits filed against companies that released talcum powder products without properly warning consumers. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using a talcum product, our talcum powder litigation attorney wants to speak with you. Contact our team at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers for a review of your potential case. We can help you obtain the justice you deserve when a manufacturer failed to do what was in the best interest of the public. After we learn more about your individual circumstances, we can advise further what to do next. We are ready to support you today.

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