spinal cord injury lawyer Westfield, IN

The spinal cord is a component of the body’s central support system and helps keep us upright, while connecting parts of the skeleton and protecting the delicate nature of the middle spine. Injuries to the spinal cord can lead to many life-altering conditions, such as partial or total paralysis. If you have sustained a spinal cord injury because of the recklessness or negligence of someone else, then please contact Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers as soon as you can. You may be owed compensation from the responsible parties who caused your injury accident to happen. Our Westfield, IN spinal cord injury lawyer is ready to hear from you. 

Determining Fault

The foundation of every personal injury case is about who is at fault and how the victim suffered. There are many types of accidents that can lead to spinal cord injuries, such as car accidents, truck accidents, workplace accidents, medical malpractice, and more. If someone else should have watched out for your safety and well-being, but failed to do so, then they could be liable for your injuries and other damages. After a case evaluation and performing more in-depth investigations, we can uncover the individuals and/or companies that should be listed in your lawsuit. Examples of helpful evidence to bring to your consultation include the following: 

  • A copy of the police report (if one was written)
  • Pictures and video of the accident and area around it
  • Surveillance footage (if available)
  • Medical records related to the accident injuries
  • Pay stubs and other related proof for lost income
  • Name and contact for witnesses to gather statements

Degrees Of Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord injuries are categorized into two different levels, incomplete and complete. With a complete spinal cord injury, there is permanent damage. Paraplegia or tetraplegia can result from this level of injury. An incomplete spinal cord injury means that there is partial damage to the spinal cord. There may be some remaining abilities and sensations to move. But the range of mobility will depend on the area of the spine that was injured and how severely it was damaged. Our dedicated spinal cord injury attorney can imagine the anguish associated with these types of injuries. We know that the damage may not be undone, but are committed to pursuing maximum compensation and a sense of justice for the harm caused. 

Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers

Being in an accident that led to spinal cord injury can be a devastating event. A person may not be able to return to the same level of function as before the accident. Our team at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers is aware of the complexities of cases like these. You can trust that we are watching out for your best interests and know how to use the law to get our clients the most financial restitution possible. There is no risk in learning about your eligibility for compensation. If you would like a consultation with our Westfield spinal cord injury lawyer, contact our law firm today. 

Understanding Your Rights And Compensation After A Spinal Cord Injury

Experiencing a spinal cord injury can be a life-altering event, affecting every facet of your daily life and the lives of your loved ones. Such injuries not only bring physical pain and disability but also financial burdens due to medical expenses, lost wages, and the need for long-term care. Knowing what types of compensation you may be eligible for can help alleviate some of the stress and financial strain and ensure that your rights are fully protected. A skilled Westfield, IN spinal cord injury lawyer will understand what kind of compensation you may be eligible for and how to go about gaining it. Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers will be able to assist with your case if you reach out in a timely fashion. 

Medical Costs And Ongoing Care

The immediate aftermath of a spinal cord injury involves significant medical treatment, which can include hospital stays, surgeries, and various therapies. However, the expenses do not stop after the initial treatment. Many individuals face ongoing needs such as physical therapy, medications, assistive devices, and home modifications. These are necessary to manage your condition and maintain as much independence as possible. You may be entitled to compensation that covers both past and future medical expenses related to your injury.

Loss Of Income And Future Earning Capacity

A spinal cord injury can severely impact your ability to work, reducing your earning potential and, in many cases, causing premature job termination. Compensation for lost wages covers the income you have already lost and can also extend to future lost earnings if your injury prevents you from returning to your previous employment or from working at all. Calculating future losses often requires analysis to accurately project what you would have earned had the injury not occurred.

Pain, Suffering, And Quality Of Life

Beyond the tangible financial impacts, a spinal cord injury can inflict significant emotional and psychological distress. Compensation for pain and suffering acknowledges these non-economic damages. This category also includes loss of enjoyment of life, which refers to the diminished ability to enjoy daily activities and hobbies that you engaged in before your injury. While these damages are more subjective, they are just as real and compensable as medical bills or lost wages. Skilled Westfield, IN spinal cord injury lawyers can assist with this.

Loss Of Consortium

If you are married, a spinal cord injury can adversely affect your relationship with your spouse. Loss of consortium compensation can be sought by your spouse for the loss of companionship, affection, help, and sexual relationship that may occur after such injuries. This form of compensation acknowledges the impact of your injury on your loved ones and provides a means for them to be compensated for their loss.

Legal Assistance And Advocacy

Navigating the aftermath of a spinal cord injury is complex and challenging. Securing the compensation you rightfully deserve requires skilled legal advocacy to ensure that all potential sources of compensation are explored and that your case is presented effectively. This might include negotiating with insurance companies, filing a lawsuit, and representing your interests in court.

As you consider your next steps, remember that you do not have to face this journey alone. Seeking the assistance of an experienced legal professional can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Our team is committed to providing compassionate, competent, and comprehensive support to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Reach Out For Legal Support

We encourage you to reach out today for a consultation. Our knowledgeable team of Westfield spinal cord injury attorneys will review your situation, provide a clear understanding to your inquiries, and discuss the best strategies to secure the compensation you deserve. Let us help you navigate this challenging time with the dignity and justice you deserve.

The Long-term Effects Of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Westfield, IN understands how spinal cord injuries can impact every aspect of our lives, from physical abilities to emotional well-being. These types of injuries have far-reaching implications that extend beyond the immediate trauma. Below are some of the long-term effects, and how they may change a family’s life. 

Physical Changes

A spinal cord injury can lead to permanent changes in strength, sensation, and bodily functions. Depending on the severity, it can result in partial or complete paralysis. This change often requires significant adjustments to daily routines and can necessitate the use of wheelchairs or other assistive devices.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common consequence of spinal cord injuries. This pain can be a result of nerve damage, muscle spasticity, or other complications. Managing this pain often involves a combination of medications, physical therapy, and sometimes surgical interventions.

Emotional And Psychological Impact

According to skilled and experienced Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers, the emotional toll of a spinal cord injury can be profound. Many of us may experience depression, anxiety, and a range of other emotional responses as we adjust to new realities. Support from mental health professionals, family, and friends is crucial in navigating these challenges.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Significant lifestyle changes often accompany spinal cord injuries. We may need to modify our homes to accommodate new physical needs, including installing ramps, widening doorways, and making bathroom modifications. These changes can be costly and time-consuming but are essential for maintaining independence.

Career And Employment

Our professional lives can also be significantly affected. Some may need to change careers or adapt their current roles to fit their new abilities. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations, but this process can still be challenging and may require legal assistance to ensure rights are protected.

Financial Considerations

The financial impact of a spinal cord injury can be substantial. Medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and the need for ongoing care can add up quickly. It’s important to explore all available resources, including insurance, disability benefits, and legal avenues to secure compensation. A Westfield spinal cord injury lawyer can help clients understand their legal right to financial compensation. 

Social Relationships

Relationships with family and friends can also be affected. Some may find it difficult to cope with the changes, leading to strain or even the breakdown of relationships. Open communication and support groups can help in maintaining strong, healthy relationships.

Independence And Mobility

Maintaining independence is a major concern for those of us with spinal cord injuries. Advances in technology have made it possible for many to regain some degree of mobility and independence. Adaptive equipment, such as specialized wheelchairs and vehicles, can greatly enhance quality of life.

Access To Healthcare

Ongoing healthcare is crucial for managing the long-term effects of spinal cord injuries. Regular check-ups, physical therapy, and specialized treatments are often necessary. Accessing these services can be challenging, especially in areas with limited medical resources.

Community Involvement

Staying connected with the community is important for emotional well-being. Many organizations offer support groups, recreational activities, and other programs specifically for individuals with spinal cord injuries. These resources can provide valuable support and a sense of belonging.

Planning For The Future

Long-term planning is essential for managing the impacts of a spinal cord injury. This includes legal and financial planning, such as setting up trusts, drafting wills, and ensuring that all necessary legal documents are in order.

Legal Assistance

Navigating the legal landscape can be complex. It’s important to have knowledgeable legal support to ensure that our rights are protected and that we receive any compensation we are entitled to. A Westfield spinal cord injury lawyer can help with everything from securing disability benefits to pursuing personal injury claims. 

If you or a loved one is dealing with the long-term effects of a spinal cord injury, we at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers are here to help. Our team is dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to navigate this challenging time with compassion. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in securing your future and improving the quality of life for you and your family. 

Steps To Take After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

A Westfield, IN mesothelioma lawyer understands how overwhelming and life-changing receiving a diagnosis can be. It’s essential to know the steps to take to ensure you and your loved ones are protected and prepared for what lies ahead. This guide outlines the important actions to consider from a legal standpoint, aimed at helping you make informed decisions during this challenging time.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

Your health and well-being should be the top priority. Begin by consulting with specialists who can provide the best possible care and treatment options for mesothelioma. A comprehensive treatment plan can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Understand Your Diagnosis

It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your diagnosis. Take time to discuss with your doctor the specifics of your condition, including the type and stage of mesothelioma, and any recommended treatments. Keeping detailed records of your medical history and treatment can be invaluable.

Gather Employment And Exposure History

Mesothelioma is often linked to asbestos exposure, which typically occurs in certain work environments. Collect all relevant information about your employment history, including job titles, employers, and the locations where you worked. This data is vital for establishing a connection between your diagnosis and asbestos exposure.

Document Everything

Keeping meticulous records is crucial. This includes medical reports, treatment expenses, and any communication with healthcare providers. Additionally, document any symptoms and their impact on your daily life. These records will be essential if you pursue legal action.

Consult With A Legal Professional

Finding the right legal representation is a critical step. Look for attorneys with experience in mesothelioma and asbestos-related cases. A knowledgeable Westfield mesothelioma lawyer can guide you through the legal process, help determine if you have a viable case, and discuss potential compensation options.

Explore Your Legal Options

Your attorney will help you understand the different legal avenues available, such as filing a personal injury lawsuit, wrongful death claim (if you are representing a deceased loved one), or seeking compensation through asbestos trust funds. Each option has its own set of requirements and potential benefits.

Consider The Timing

There are statutes of limitations for filing mesothelioma claims, which vary by state. It’s essential to act promptly to ensure you don’t miss the window for legal action. Your attorney will help you understand the deadlines that apply to your case.

Prepare For The Legal Process

Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit involves several steps, including gathering evidence, filing the complaint, and possibly going to trial. Your Westfield mesothelioma lawyer will guide you through each phase, providing support and expertise to help build a strong case.

Understand Potential Compensation

Compensation for mesothelioma cases can cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Experienced legal professionals like those at our firm, Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers will help you understand what types of compensation you may be eligible for and work to maximize the amount you receive.

Emotional And Psychological Support

Dealing with mesothelioma is not just a physical challenge but an emotional one as well. Seek support from friends, family, and support groups. Many organizations provide resources and counseling for those affected by asbestos-related diseases. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as addressing the physical aspects of your diagnosis.

Take Action

The journey following a mesothelioma diagnosis is undoubtedly challenging, but taking the right steps can significantly impact your future. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we are here to help you through every step of the legal process. Contact us today for a consultation and let us provide the support and guidance you need.

Remember, you don’t have to face this alone. Our team at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers is committed to standing by your side and fighting for the compensation and justice you deserve.

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"I worked with and have known Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers for over 25 years—simply the best personal injury lawyers!!!! Calls every year on my birthday"
Kathy C"
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