Car Accident Attorney Indianapolis, IN

What Are Common Car Accident Injuries?With so many drivers on the road, and increasing distractions, such as cell phones, it is no wonder that there are a significant amount of car accidents every year. Of those accidents, many cause injury, permanent disability or worse, which is why it is important to know a car accident attorney Indianapolis, IN trusts, like Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers. In fact, millions of people are hurt in car accidents annually. If you have been hurt in a car accident, there are some things that you should know about car accident injury and your right to fair compensation.

Assessment of Injury:

Regardless of whether or not you think your injuries are serious, it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately following your accident. A car accident attorney for Indianapolis, IN can tell you that, in treating your injuries right away, you will likely speed up the healing process. In addition, the insurance companies may question the validity of your claim if they see a time gap between the accident and the treatment for the injuries. When you do go to the doctor, be sure to ask the right questions, as not all injuries present themselves right away. In fact, after a traumatic experience such as a car accident, emotions can be out of whack and you may not realize the extent of your pain as a result of the injuries incurred during the accident. In addition, insurance companies may offer compensation that seems to be enough for immediate bills but will not cover medical expenses down the road. It is important to work with an experienced car accident attorney in Indianapolis, IN, who can help you consider the long-term medical needs and therapies when seeking compensation.

Common Injuries:

  •         Neck injury due to whiplash- this is the most common car accident injury. It is basically a neck injury as a result of sudden jarring of the head, as is common in car accidents. The immediate symptoms can be as subtle as stiffness in the neck and shoulders, headache and/or dizziness.
  •         Back injury- also a common injury after a car accident. The trauma of impact can cause spinal cord injury, nerve damage, soft tissue damage and/or disc injury.
  •         Head trauma- it is extremely important to seek immediate medical attention for any type of head trauma. In fact, research shows the long-term impact of a concussion (i.e., cognitive impairment) may be significantly decreased if it is treated right away.
  •         Emotional impact such as PTSD, depression and anxiety- it is quite common for drivers and passengers who have been in a car accident to experience PTSD symptoms including depression and/or anxiety. For many, seeing a therapist on a regular basis can provide relief.


After an accident, the first thing you do is contact your insurance company to report the incident. They will ask if you are okay and then ask you to describe what happened. They may be supportive and will likely explain the claims process. It is important to understand that the insurance companies and their representatives very rarely offer you what you actually deserve. They are paid to look out for the company’s bottom line, after-all. A car accident attorney serving Indianapolis, IN can advise you on the amount of compensation you should ask for and will help you go after the number you deserve. Types of compensation include medical bills, loss of wages and pain and suffering

If you were hurt in a car accident, it is advised that you seek a car accident lawyer Indianapolis, IN relies on to help you through the aftermath of the incident. In doing so, you will have someone who is looking out for you and will likely receive better compensation for your injuries.  Call Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers today and get the help you need!

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