Whiplash and Serious Head and Neck Injuries Sustained from a Car, Motorcycle or Trucking Accident

Whiplash and Other Serious Neck Injuries

Injuries kill more people of all ages in the U.S. than any other cause. Neck injuries are common injuries to accidents involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles and semi tractor-trailers. If you have received an injury to your neck because of another party’s negligence, it is important to seek medical treatment from a licensed medical physician (hospital, primary care physician or medical specialist) right away and then call an experienced personal injury or accident attorney to recover your losses for medical bills, bodily injuries, loss of wages and other damages suffered.

Types of neck injuries

Common injuries of the neck and head are:

  • Strains: When muscle fibers are torn due to lifting heavy weights or whiplash, the result is a strained neck. The pain involved with a strain can vary in severity.
  • Spasms: A spasm occurs when your neck muscles seize up into a tight muscle contraction. Bracing before impact may cause a neck spasm.
  • Stingers: When the neck is rotated in an unnatural way or forced into an extreme tilt, a “stinger” injury can result. The symptoms of a stinger include a burning or tingling sensation in the arms, shoulders and neck. Stingers are commonly caused by high impact collisions.
  • Whiplash: A soft-tissue injury to the neck muscles, ligaments and tendons is described as whiplash. This type of personal injury occurs when the neck is forced to extend beyond its normal range of motion. Common symptoms of whiplash include headache, pain, stiffness and dizziness.
  • Fractures: The neck contains fragile bones that can be broken by high-impact pressure. The severity of a broken neck can range from minor pain and numbness to a serious neck fracture, leading to paralysis.
  • Herniated disc: When a disc of the cervical vertebra ruptures causing pressure on nerve roots, it is referred to as a herniated or ruptured disc injury. Symptoms of this type of injury include stabbing pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in the neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands.
  • Brain injury after whiplash : A back and forth rapid thrusting movement of the neck may lead to bruising and bleeding of the brain. Brain injuries lead to confusion, irritability, cognitive issues, forgetfulness, sleep disturbance, emotional instability, loss of sex drive, as well as loss of sensations of smell, and vision.

Treatment for a neck injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. Common treatments may include medications, rest, physical therapy, exercises, steroid injections and surgery.

If you have suffered a neck injury because of the negligence of another party, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, IN from Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers to learn how you can recover compensation for your medical bills, medical devices, partial permanent impairment, lost wages, pain and suffering. Call 317-639-9501 and ask for Charlie for a free, no obligation, evaluation of your case.

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