Compensation from Accidents Caused by Texting Drivers
To find out more about compensation from accidents caused by texting and driving, contact Charlie Ward at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers online, or at 317-639-9501.
Texting While Driving Laws in Indiana
The reasons for texting bans
Statistics show that texting and driving are known dangers. In fact, texting while driving accidents indicate negligence on the part of the texting driver, using their phones as proof to recover damages in car accident cases. At Ward & Ward, our attorneys devise effective case strategies and exhaust all measures to help clients recover full compensation in cases where other drivers are at fault for causing traffic accidents.

What are Indiana’s texting while driving laws?
Indiana’s texting and driving ban for all drivers went into effect on July 1, 2011. The texting laws are primary, which means that when a law enforcement officer observes a driver engaged in texting while driving, there is probable cause to stop and issue a ticket. Penalties include fines up to $500. Indiana laws prohibit drivers under the age of 18 from using cell phones at all — hand-held or hands-free — or any type of wireless telecommunications devices while driving.
Texting while driving statistics
Teenagers are more at risk for car crash injuries and deaths than any other age group, and no age group texts more than teens do.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in a survey, 31 percent of U.S. drivers between the ages of 18 through 64, indicate they read or send text messages and email messages during the recent 30 day period
- One in three teenagers between the ages of 16 and 17 say they have sent a text message while driving
- 28 percent of all teens between the ages of 12 and 17 say they have been in a car while the driver was texting
- Statistics show that in 2011, a minimum of 23 percent of car crashes involved cell phone use
- The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates are that the chances of an auto accident occurring are eight to 23 times greater when the driver is text messaging
Recovering compensation from accidents caused by texting drivers
If you or a loved one suffers serious injury in an accident caused by a texting driver, an Indianapolis, IN car accident lawyer can help you recover full compensation. Law firms have access to private investigators, accident reconstruction engineers and other experts to build a strong case. Our attorneys at Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers are skilled negotiators and litigators who work tirelessly on behalf of our clients.
Contact reliable Indianapolis accident lawyers today
To discuss your auto accident with a knowledgeable lawyer, contact Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers online or at 317-639-9501. We offer free initial consultations and are available to speak with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.