Personal Injury Lawyer Indianapolis, IN A personal injury attorney Indianapolis, IN relies on wears many hats. Through the centuries we have acquired many titles, a majority of which have been handed down from the olde English traditions of court. The …

Auto Accident Lawyer Indianapolis, IN If you have been injured in an accident, an experienced auto accident lawyer will recommend you follow doctor’s orders to mitigate your damages for injuries you received from the accident. Unfortunately, every day that goes …

Medical Negligence and Resulting Brain Injuries A brain injury can change someone’s life forever, and it can also impact their family, friends, and other loved ones. Nearly 1.7 million Americans suffer a brain injury every year. Of these 260,000 are …

Truck Accident Lawyer Texting and driving has become a very serious issue, as more and more accidents are happening because of this handy technological tool. When people talk about the topic of texting and driving, warnings usually include car vs …

Wrongful Death Lawyers Few events hurt as much as the death of a friend or loved one.  The grief is overpowering, especially when someone else’s mistake is the reason why. Statistically, accidental poisonings, including prescription drug overdoses, cause the most …

Laws restricting cellphone use and texting State Hand-held ban Texting ban Enforcement Alabama no  all drivers  primary  Alaska no  all drivers  primary  Arizona no  no  secondary (effective 06/30/18) Arkansas drivers 18 or older but younger than 21; school and highway work …

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