On March 30, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb signed Public Law 43, known as the Youth Helmet Safety Act. This law took effect on July 1, 2020 and is a statewide campaign to encourage communities to educate parents about youth head injuries and death statistics caused by bicycle accidents.

Bicycle Accident Injuries Involving Youths – Statistics

Stats gathered by Accident Analysis & Prevention over a 10-year period (January 2006 through December 2015) show:

  1. More than 2.2 million children, age 5 through 17, were treated in United States emergency rooms for injuries related to bicycle accidents;
  2. Over forty-five percent of bicycle injuries were experienced by children ages 10 to 14;
  3. Seventy-two percent of children injured on bicycles were boys;
  4. Brain injuries increased with motor-vehicle involvement;
  5. Traumatic brain injuries represented 11% of all injuries and were most common in children ages 10-14 years of age;
  6. Children who wear helmets are less likely to injure their head or neck.

Education of our Youth Cyclists and E-Scooter Operators

Parents and guardians of children should know the bicycle and scooter laws as they pertain to children and educate the youngest of our citizens as to their rights, responsibilities and safe-operating procedures on Indiana’s roads.

Indiana Code 9-21-11 addresses the legalities of bicycles, motorized bicycles and electric foot scooters.

When You Need an Experienced Bicycle Accident Attorney Indianapolis, IN Trusts

The city of Indianapolis and surrounding counties have a number of dedicated bicycle, e-bicycle, and e-scooter lanes but have done little to educate drivers about the perils caused by certain driving behaviors. As a bicycle accident attorney Indianapolis, IN trusts, crashes with cyclists frequently occur because motor vehicle operators make spur-of-the-moment driving decisions that interfere with their right-of-way.

If you or your child has been injured in an accident while riding a bicycle or scooter, know that, unlike auto accident claims, defendant attorneys use a set of defenses unique to cyclists, to deny liability and increase the injured party’s responsibility for the accident. Charlie Ward, partner at Ward & Ward Law Firm, limits his practice to personal injury law and has the experience you need. Call Charlie Ward today for a free consultation at 317-639-9501.

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