MVA FatalitiesAuto Accident and Wrongful Death Lawyer in Indianapolis – Car Accident and Wrongful Death Law Firm in Indianapolis, IN

Ward & Ward is an experienced car accident and wrongful death law firm in Indianapolis. Each year our firm draws attention to certain noteworthy statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) who collects and analyzes data from police reports and other likely sources. Fatality reports are published each year by the NHTSA reporting data from the prior year.

2018-2019 Estimated Motor Vehicle Fatalities Trending by Regions

The Early Estimate of 2019 Motor Vehicle Fatalities provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that motor vehicle fatalities in Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio (combined under Region 5 analysis), will only drop by 1% after the statistics have been fully analyzed. On the other hand, a greater decrease was reported for Regions 1 and 2 where fatalities declined from 6 – 8%. States in Regions 1 & 2 include Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

As casualties decline in most remaining regions including Regions 3 at 2% (Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, DC, North Carolina, and Kentucky), Region 6 at 1% (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi), Region 8 at 6% (Colorado North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado), Region 9 at 1% (California, Hawaii, and Arizona), and Region 10 at 4% (Alaska, Washington, Montana, Oregon, and Idaho)―Region 7 (Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas) shows no improvement at 0% and Region 4 (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida) shows an increase of 2% in motor vehicle-related fatalities.

NHTSA analysts also point out that in the fourth quarter of 2019, overall national fatality statistics declined for eleven consecutive quarters.

Updated 2020 Estimated Motor Vehicle Fatalities

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has released the moving vehicle fatality statistics for the year 2020 and they are perplexing.

In contrast to recent years, vehicle fatalities in 2020 have increased overall by 7.2%. And ironically, 2020 was the year when a sizable population was working remotely or not at all!

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Give Meaning to Motor Vehicle Fatality Statistics

How can we raise cold, impersonal numbers to personal relevancy? Let us look at a few of the finalized numbers of motor vehicle-related deaths from 2018.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2018 the state of Mississippi had the highest number of motor vehicle fatalities at 22.2 traffic deaths for every population group of 100,000 residents. Now, without context, these statistics may lack meaning. Let’s put Mississippi’s high MVA fatalities into some kind of perspective.

If Mississippians filled a stadium with 100,000 fans, statistically speaking, a spectator at a 2018 sold-out game could expect 22.2 random faces in the attending crowd to die in a traffic collision within the year.

In 2018, the state of Indiana ranked 23rd in roadway deaths at 12.8 fatalities per population group of 100,000. Indianapolis Lucas Oil Stadium has a capacity of 67,000 spectators. In the year 2018, 8.58 spectators at a full-house Colts venue would die from a motor vehicle-related crash within the year. That comparison brings it down to a very real and relevant level.

A Compassionate Car Accident and Wrongful Death Law Firm in Indianapolis

The attorneys at Ward & Ward Law Firm have more than 95+ years of combined experience. And we limit our law practice to bodily injuries and fatalities. Our experience includes:

  • Our attorneys and legal staff have a sound working knowledge of injury tort claim law
  • Ward & Ward’s legal team is up-to-date on state and federal legislation that may affect your claim
  • Our attorneys unravel and examine all judicial opinions that will affect current and future injury tort claims and lawsuits.
  • Members of the legal community respect our firm’s skilled negotiators and trial attorneys

Ward & Ward Law Firm is experienced in diverse areas of injury tort claim law including the following:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Scooter accidents
  • Rideshare accidents
  • Trucking accidents
  • Nursing home neglect and abuse
  • Wrongful death claims
  • Medical malpractice claims

Experienced car accident and wrongful death law firm in Indianapolis

Ward & Ward Law Firm is a compassionate auto accident and wrongful death lawyer in Indianapolis, IN. If you would like to speak with an experienced lawyer about your claim, call Charlie Ward today!  A free, no-obligation consultation is available at (317) 639-9501 for a

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