Consider purchasing your next new car with a Blind spot auto sensor

If your about to purchase a new car, SUV or motor vehicle, it is estimated that 3/4 of all new vehicles offer blind spot monitors as an option to reduce accidents, as a car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, IN from Ward & Ward Law Firm can explain.

In driver’s education we were taught to look over your shoulder before changing lanes.  Why?  Because side mirrors do not show automobiles in blind spots.   However, new technology advances such as blind spot monitors help to minimize blind spot issues.

Just what is a blind spot monitor (BSM) and how does it work?  Blind spot monitors use radar sensors to warn drivers of automobiles in a lane adjacent to them.  The radar sensors are generally on the side and rear of a vehicle.  The warnings from the radar sensors come in the way of a flashing light or an audible sound.  The warnings generally stay on until the automobile in the adjacent lane moves in front of the vehicle or directly alongside.

Many automobile manufacturers are now offering this technology–Volvo, Ford, Audi, Infiniti are just a few. This technology was developed by Volvo a decade ago.

Is it worth the extra cost?  Although blind spot monitors do not replace a glance around or rear-view mirror, the simple answer is yes. If there is a way to reduce or minimize the potential of an automobile accident, it is worth the cost.  This technology is just another option at reducing auto accidents.

To see the blind spot monitoring system in action watch this short video demonstration

By Charlie Ward

Ward & Ward Law Firm
728 S Meridian St
Indianapolis, IN 46225

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