Despite the Risks of Distracted Driving Indiana Lawmakers Lack the Resolve to Ban Handheld Cell Phones in Indianapolis, IN A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in partnership with Virginia Tech shows texting while driving (TWD) is …

Pressure is being put on cell phone manufacturers to include “lock-out” technology in their mobile devices to prevent drivers from accessing certain features while driving. Who bears the responsibility for car accident injuries and fatalities caused by distracted drivers? What are the options parents can employ to keep their children safe when driving?

According to statistics, incidents of motorcycle accidents have been on the rise since 2006. Cycling accidents may cause serious injury or death and are often the result of one of the following circumstances: Car operator turns in front of the …

Ward & Ward Law Firm Announces Partner in Personal Injury Law Firm is Selected for Inclusion in Best Lawyers in America Indianapolis personal injury attorney, wrongful death attorney and medical malpractice attorney, Charlie Ward, has been selected by his peers …

Victims of latent asbestos related diseases have reason for hope after Indiana’s State Supreme Court Ruling What is a product liability claim? A product liability claim seeks to hold miners, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others along the commerce and distribution …

The attorneys at Ward & Ward Law Firm have been recognized by as 2016 Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Indianapolis. connects people in every U.S. city with qualified experts from their own communities. The Seattle based corporation researches …

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