2016 Update on Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Reform Legislation | Indianapolis, IN Medical Malpractice Attorneys and Wrongful Death Lawyers As laypeople, we put our faith in physicians, nurses,  hospital facilities, and other medical providers whom we trust to exercise sound professional …

May is ‘Motorcycle Awareness’ month. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration encourages everyone to share the road and urges cyclists to make themselves visible to others. A brief history of helmet laws and why they vary from state to state In …

Why Personal Injury Lawyers May Refuse Your Case – Uncollectability | Car Accident Lawyers, Auto Accident Attorneys, Ward & Ward Law Firm Collectability is the ability to put money into the hands of an injured party and creditors who have …

Prior to 2010, a young adult without healthcare insurance who was injured by another driver would risk, at the very least, a lowered credit score and face possible bankruptcy if they and the defendant driver (the person responsible for the …

Preventing Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents and Fatalities in Parking Lots | Indianapolis, IN Pedestrian and Car Accident Lawyers Pedestrian and car accident lawyers say statistics show that one out of every five auto accidents occur in parking lots.  The most …

Failure to Mitigate Injuries

Why personal injury lawyers may refuse your case – Failure to Mitigate Injuries | Car Accident Lawyers Indianapolis, IN An injured party has a duty to minimize the harm caused by a negligent party. This concept, common to contract and …

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