What To Do After An Indiana Car, Motorcycle, Pedestrian, Bus, or Trucking Accident

  1. Call 911
  2. Request an ambulance if injured
  3. Get driver & witness information
  4. Take photos
  5. Do not discuss fault with anyone!
  6. Do not post anything about the accident or your health on social media!
  7. Review your automobile or motorcycle insurance policy
  8. Call the personal injury attorney Indianapolis, Indiana respects

Call Charlie Ward today toll free @ 888-639-9501

Marion County accident attorneys providing valuable advice before you file a claim

Most people will be involved in at least one accident during their driving career. No matter how much driver’s education you obtain before getting your license, the training often falls short on teaching drivers how to handle the vital moments after an accident. What you say and do can affect the health and safety of others involved in the accident — and your rights to the compensation you deserve if the accident were caused by the negligent or reckless actions of another driver.

A knowledgeable Indianapolis accident attorney from Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers can provide the guidance you need.

Immediately call 911

Nothing is as important as addressing the needs of the injured. One quick call brings police and medical aid to the scene of the accident. Either make the call yourself, or if you are unable due to shock or injuries, ask someone else to make that call for you. Passers-by and witnesses are generally eager to be of assistance in cases involving injury.

Ward & Ward Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys

When immediate medical attention is required, you may be taken from the scene by ambulance.  When that occurs, an officer at the scene will talk to witnesses and complete an accident report with as much information as he or she can garner from the physical evidence available, vehicle owners/passengers and eyewitnesses.

No matter who is at fault for the auto accident, and if you are physically capable, you should exchange contact information, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information from all drivers involved in the crash. Ask witnesses to the accident for their contact information but do not admit fault in your conversation. While the accident is fresh, take pictures of all damaged vehicles, the general layout of the vehicles at the scene of the accident (including skid marks and weather conditions) and injuries.

Obtain a copy of the police report; it should be available within several days from the investigating agency, i.e. state police, local or county first responders. Retain all damaged items, including clothing, phone and any other personal effects that were damaged as a result of the accident. Do not repair or replace anything until you discuss your claim with your attorney or insurance company.

Retain all paperwork related to the treatment of your injuries, including co-pays, medical provider billings, pharmacy receipts, over-the-counter drugs, prescription lenses and medical devices such as braces, bandages, and crutches.  Your personal injury attorney requires a current and up-to-date list of all expenses associated with your accident.

Talk with witnesses at the scene of the accident

Many states have a comparative fault law and opposing insurance companies are more than eager to discover any contribution you may have made to the accident, real or imagined. You may talk with witnesses and officers while at the scene but never admit any degree of fault. Save frank discussions for your car accident lawyer who has the legal knowledge to accurately identify fault.

Review Your Automobile Accident Insurance Policy

Injury claims are steered by the unique facts of the accident, the adequacy or inadequacies of the plaintiff and defendant insurance contracts/policies, local legislation and supreme court opinions or case law. An experienced personal injury attorney guides your case, following the legal procedures that will protect your claim and maximize the benefits of your insurance policy. To effectively represent you in your claim for damages, you will need to provide your personal injury attorney with a copy of the insurance policy and the declarations page that currently covers you and your family.

Contact a reliable and experienced personal injury attorney before filing a claim

Before you file an insurance claim against your own policy or the policy of the negligent party, seek advice from an experienced car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, IN Charlie Ward from Ward &Ward Law Firm. In a free consultation, Charlie will assess your legal rights and explain options available for pursuing your claim. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney Indianapolis, IN trusts. Call Charlie Ward today at 317-639-9501. Our firm has more than 85 years of combined experience and we are available to speak with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

*Update — It’s a little-known fact that increased insurance benefits are cheaper by the unit than the locally-mandated minimum coverage. Ask yourself if your policy will be there, working for you and your family, if you are unexpectedly injured by an uninsured defendant or hit and run driver. Take stock of your automobile or motorcycle insurance policy today. Explore the tiers, pricing, and available benefits, including medical payment, bodily injury liability and uninsured/underinsured coverages. But before you start looking at quotes, find out what Money has to say about the best auto insurance coverage for 2020.

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